Friendship Scheme

The Dacorum Mencap Friendship Scheme provides individual befrienders for adults who have learning disabilities, to help them improve and extend their leisure activities and social lives.

Adults with learning disabilities living or receiving services in the Dacorum area are eligible to join the scheme as long as they are living with or receiving  support from unpaid carers and are members of Dacorum Mencap. This is due to the way that the scheme is funded.  Core funding for the Friendship Scheme is provided on an annual basis by Hertfordshire County Council.

If you feel you would benefit from a one-to-one friend, please do give us a ring at the office on 01442 247675.

Due to the nature of the scheme, its success depends on volunteers to befriend on a one-to-one basis. We are always looking for new volunteers as there are many people on the waiting list. Members of the scheme decide with their befrienders where, when and what they will do together.

If you are interested in becoming a befriender, please look at our Volunteering page to download an application form, we would love to hear from you.

Friendship Scheme Members must also be members of Dacorum Mencap.
This costs £10 per year.

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