Everyone is listened to included and valued equally

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Volunteering with Dacorum Mencap can be a very fulfilling experience.

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Help Us To Support
Your Community

Dacorum Mencap supports people with a learning disability, their families and carers, in the Borough of Dacorum in Hertfordshire, UK.


We take groups of adults with learning disabilities on social activities in the community.


Gateway Club provides regular supervised activities such as games nights and Bingo

Fund Raising

Current Campaigns

£420 Goal


£650 Goal


£ 5,120 Goal

Weekend Away

Fun Facts


Hot drinks served at our activities over the years


Activities organised in the last 10 years by our great team


Zoom discos run for our members through covid

You’ve the Power Today to Change Tomorrow

We Help
We Support
We Build
We Nourish

What Our Clients Say

It was lovely to meet you last month at the Dacorum Mencap 70th anniversary, which was a really friendly and sociable occasion. Thanks to you all for organising it. It gave me a chance to meet some of my brother's friends, their carers and, of course, all you lovely staff and volunteers.

- Family Member

Dacorum Mencap gives my son a chance to mix socially with other people and to enjoy a much greater variety of activities than I would be able to provide for him. It also helps build skills such as making sure they are ready in time!

- Parent

Dacorum Mencap helps my son to engage with others in a social, positive, supported and managed environment. Without Dacorum Mencap’s help my son would have very limited social interaction as he is unable to initiate this himself. As a result it keeps his mental health stable and positive.

- Parent

Dacorum Mencap provides our daughter with social contact with her peers and gives her a chance to try new activities etc. Our daughter likes to be busy and needs social interaction.

- Parent

Dacorum Mencap helps our daughter by giving her a social life which has given her more independence; created a friendship; showed her that she can do activities that she may not have wanted to try before. In other words confidence, self-esteem and the feeling that she can do what other people do.

- Parent

During Covid I cannot praise Dacorum Mencap enough for how they immediately reacted to the situation and transformed their social activity calendar into virtual social sessions and support. This was our only social support and structure during this time and it was an absolute life-line to my son.

- Parent
What We Do

Our Goal is to Make Lives Better

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